Fabio Andrade, PhD


Current Topics of Interest

  • Autonomous Systems

  • Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

  • Machine Learning

  • Model Predictive Control

  • Optimization

  • Computer Vision

  • University of South-Eastern Norway

    • Faculty of Technology, Natural Sciences and Maritime Sciences

      • Department of Microsystems

Fabio Andrade is an associate professor in robotics and autonomous systems at the University of South-Eastern Norway and a research scientist at NORCE Norwegian Research Centre. He has a PhD in Engineering Cybernetics from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and has several published works on Robotics and Machine Learning. He was an adjunct professor at the Federal Center of Technological Education of Rio de Janeiro and a technical advisor at TracSense. Former Chair of the IEEE Norway Chapter of Robotics and Control Systems and co-founder of Umaker. He worked at the Brazilian Department of Airspace Control and was an assistant professor at the Brazilian Naval Academy. He has project management experience and certifications.